• San Ramon Codifying Inclusionary Regs

  • San Ramon is moving toward finalizing a formal inclusionary housing ordinance and adopting a new commercial affordable housing impact fee. The San Ramon Planning Commission will review the draft ordinance at its meeting on Feb. 5, 2019. Historically, San Ramon has negotiated inclusionary requirements on a project-by-project basis. If adopted, the ordinance will require developers of single-family detached projects to either set aside 10 percent of the units as affordable to moderate income households or, if they choose, pay an in-lieu fee. Multi-family developers must set aside 15 percent of the units on-site as affordable in the following mix: 20 percent, very low income households; 30 percent, low income households; and the remainder for moderate income households. Rental residential developers must also provide 15 percent affordable units on-site, split equally between very low and low income households. Multi-family and rental developers may propose alternative compliance options including off-site units or land dedication but it is subject to city approval. For more details, CLICK HERE to view and download the agenda and staff reports. For questions or comments, contact BIA’s Lisa Vorderbrueggen at lvorderbrueggen@biabayarea.org.