• San Jose Takes Up Urban Villages

  • The San Jose City Council will deliberate general plan amendments promoting more housing in downtown San Jose and approving the city's Urban Village Implementation plans during its meeting on Dec. 18, 2018. Six years after the adoption of the 2040 General Plan, the council finally has the opportunity to adopt implementation plans for the first four Urban Villages and move another eight Urban Villages forward in the planning timeline. However, the General Plan amendments will not automatically allow housing to develop in the urban villages. That won't happen until the city adopts the implementation plans in the next two to three years. The Downtown Strategy 2040 Plan and the environmental impact report will expand the geographic borders of downtown San Jose and add 4,000 housing units, 10,000 jobs and three million square feet of office expansion to a rapidly accelerating development environment. Click HERE to read the Urban Village General Plan Amendment staff report. Click HERE to read the Downtown General Plan Amendment staff report.