• San Jose Housing Crisis Workplan Update

  • The City Council will be reviewing a Housing Crisis Workplan Update at its November 10th Council Meeting. To read the Staff Memo, click HERE. The Housing Crisis Workplan, adopted in June 2018, outlined the objective of producing 25,000 new dwelling units by 2023 (15,000 market-rate units and 10,000 affordable units). Several housing related topics will be discussed by council including the housing issues and staff recommendations listed below:

    • Dwelling Unit Production - since adoption of the Crisis Workplan a total of 7,666 market rate d/u have been completed or are under construction. For reporting purposes, staff also includes 4,391 market rate units that have been entitled, bringing the total number of market rate housing units entitled, under construction or completed to 12,057 d/u. To review Housing Production Report, click HERE.
    • North San Jose Area Development Policy – staff recommends formally retiring the North San Jose Area Development Policy and relying on the city’s adopted General Plan as the NSJ land use document going forward. Approval of the staff recommendation will require future NSJ projects to perform CEQA review on a project-by-project basis.
    • Cost of Development – staff recommendation to update the city’s “Cost of Development” analysis and report to council on a date TBD in 2021. The current Cost of Development Analysis was produced in April 2018.
    • Downtown Residential Hi-Rise Program - a recommendation to analyze extending the Downtown Residential Hi-rise Program (in lieu fee reduction program) to high-rise development outside of Downtown (targeting areas surrounding San Jose State). The analysis and report to council is targeted for a date TBD in 2021.

    To review the complete list, and status, of Housing Crisis Workplan Items, click HERE. To review the November 10th Council Agenda, click HERE.