• Hercules To Adopt Fire Fee Hike

  • Hercules will hold a public hearing Tuesday on a proposal to adopt fire facility impact fee increases that were adopted by the Rodeo-Hercules Fire Protection District in January 2018. In order for the fees to go into effect within the city, the Hercules City Council must also bless new rates. Adoption will result in the following changes: the single family rate will increase from $1,029 per unit to $1,729, an increase of $700 or 68 percent; the multi-family rate will increase from $662 per unit to $1,060 per unit, an increase of $398 or 60 percent. Click HERE to view the agenda for May 22, 2018, staff report and associated documents. For questions or comments, contact BIA’s East Bay Executive Director for Governmental Affairs Lisa Vorderbrueggen at 925-348-1956 or lvorderbrueggen@biabayarea.org.