• Contra Costa Sewer Fees Set to Rise

  • The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is scheduled to increase its sewer capacity fees between 2.6 percent and 3.2 percent starting July 1, 2020. The change is based on the district’s annual update of its changes to the value of the district’s assets and number of customers. During the public hearing set for June 4, 2020, the district’s elected board will consider the staff recommended ordinance to establish the following proposed capacity fees: The Gravity Service fee increases 3.2 percent or $214 per residential unit equivalent from $6,590 to $6,803, and the Pumping Service fee rises 2.6 percent, or $213 per residential equivalent unit from $8,175 to $8.388. Click HERE to view the agenda and associated staff report. Central San collects and cleans more than 13 billion gallons of wastewater per year for nearly 500,000 residents and more than 3,000 businesses in central Contra Costa County. For questions or comments, contact BIA|Bay Area’s Lisa Vorderbrueggen at lvorderbrueggen@biabayarea.org.