• City of Santa Clara El Camino Real Specific Plan

  • The full draft of the El Camino Real Specific Plan is now available for your review and comment. The Plan was posted on the City’s website for public review on Friday, May 22. The Plan can be downloaded from Dropbox HERE

    The following summarizes key aspects of the draft Plan.

    • Land Use - The Plan Area is organized into two distinct Character Areas further defined by their land use designations: “Activity Centers” and “In-Between” Activity Centers Development Standards and Guidelines Chapter 4
    • Development Standards and Guidelines - provides guidance for building design within each Character Area. This includes standards for the height, intensity, and setbacks of new development.
    • El Camino Real Street Design - Chapter 5 Transportation and Public Spaces lays out the vision for how the El Camino Real street right-of-way can be used to support transformation of the corridor from an auto-oriented arterial into a multimodal “complete street” designed to accommodate all travel modes.
    • Community Benefits Program - Chapter 6 Implementation describes the implementation activities, administrative procedures and funding strategies needed to fulfill the vision of the Plan