• Emeryville Unveils Bird-Safe Standards

  • Emeryville staff will present draft bird-safe building standards during a city council study session on Nov. 5, 2019. If adopted, the regulations would apply to all new development. At BIA|Bay Area’s request, the standards focus on outcomes rather than mandate the use of specific branded products and include a provision where builders may propose an alternative compliance method with the concurrence of a qualified biologist. The standards mandate the use of bird-friendly design features such as glass treatments that deter bird strikes or limit the use of mirrors. Click HERE to view the agenda and associated documents. San Francisco adopted the first bird-safe building in ordinance in the nation back in 2011. A number of other cities have subsequently adopted similar standards including Oakland, Richmond and Alameda. For questions or comments, contact BIA’s Lisa Vorderbrueggen at lvorderbrueggen@biabayarea.org.