• Bay Area Housing Performance Remains Horrid

  • The nine-county Bay Area’s pledge to build more housing is still largely unfulfilled some 92 months into its 360-month initiative called Plan Bay Area. Since 2011, local governments have approved 161,193 new housing units but added 646,800 new jobs. That adds up to 4 jobs per housing unit, a rate well in excess of the 1.5 jobs per housing unit that planners consider a healthy balance. Bay Area leaders adopted Plan Bay Area in an attempt to narrow a persistent and large jobs-housing imbalance that is exacerbating the affordability crisis and worsening commutes as workers are forced to live farther and farther from their jobs. Click HERE to download the August 2018 chart. Click HERE to download the back-up data. BIA|Bay Area tracks the jobs-housing imbalance to bring attention to the region’s largely self-inflicted housing crisis. For questions or comments, contact BIA’s Lisa Vorderbrueggen at 925-348-1956 or lvorderbrueggen@biabayarea.org.