• Utility Tax Considered for Fire Service

  • East Contra Costa County leaders may ask voters in November 2016 to adopt a Utility Users Tax, or UUT, to fund serious cash shortfalls in the region’s fire service budget. Landowners in the 250-square-mile area have already rejected a parcel tax and a benefit assessment district as funding sources. Local officials hope that a broader Utility Users Tax will win the necessary majority support. Without adequate funding for fire service operations, growth could be curtailed. The East Contra Costa task force assigned to tackle the problem is considering asking voters in Brentwood and Oakley to adopt an initial 6.5 percent UTT that would eventually increase to 9.5 percent. The county would also pursue a countywide UUT and dedicate a portion of the proceeds to fire services in East Contra Costa County. A UUT can be levied on the consumption of various utilities including telephone, gas and electricity. BIA members who would like to be kept updated on the UUT measure status should contact BIA Governmental Affairs Lisa Vorderbrueggen at 925-348-1956 or lvorderbrueggen@biabayarea.org. For more information and to participate in a survey, visit www.ourfireservices.org.