• San Jose Calls a Small Inclusionary Housing Ordinance Developer Meeting

  • The San Jose City Council has directed staff to conduct more public outreach and research regarding the development of new Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (IHO) to be applied to developments (both for-sale and rental) with fewer than 20 units. Subsequently, the San Jose Housing Department is hosting an outreach meeting to discuss the policy issues of a potential IHO that would apply to residential developments with 19 units or fewer. Some policy considerations to be discussed include, but is not limited to:
    • Should the in-lieu fee be set based on square footage or by affordable unit(s)?
    • Should it apply to new developments or also additional/modified residential unit(s)?
    • Should there be a range of fees depending on the size and location of the property?

    The meeting is scheduled for Friday, February 16, 2018 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. at San José City Hall 200 E Santa Clara Street in Wing Rooms 120. Please RSVP to Delilah Chavez at: delilah.chavez@sanjoseca.gov