• Pleasanton Unveils Fee Overhaul

  • Pleasanton city staff will present a major development impact fee overhaul during a City Council workshop on Tuesday night. Last restructured in 1998, the city commissioned Economic & Planning Systems to update Pleasanton’s capital facility, transportation and affordable housing development impact fee nexus studies. Staff is seeking council direction on new fee amounts and a community outreach plan in preparation for returning in the summer with final ordinances for a vote. The nexus studies report that the city could legally justify increasing its impact fees for capital and transportation facilities by $7,957 or 38 percent, from $20,944 to $28,901 per single-family house. For the affordable housing impact fee, the study purports to show that Pleasanton could more than double the rate and hike it from $20,291 per single-family unit to $44,930. Click HERE to view the agenda and the associated staff report and studies. For questions or comments, contact BIA|Bay Area East Bay Governmental Affairs Executive Director LIsa Vorderbrueggen at lvorderbrueggen@biabayarea.org or 925-348-1956.