• Orinda To Hike Fees & Look At New Ones

  • The Orinda City Council will consider hiking most of its development rated fees and hear during its meeting on May 2, 2017, funding requests for studies of two new fees on residential development. Specifically, staff is recommending an increase in the park dedication fee of $984 to $15,880 per single-family unit or 6.6 percent. The transportation impact fee would increase $136 to $3770 or 3.7%. Additionally, staff is recommending a 4 percent increase in all administrative, planning, engineering and appeals fees based on the CPI along with a new 10 percent general plan update fee be added to all planning permit fees. Lastly, staff is requesting funds for studies of the potential creation of public facilities and road maintenance impact fees on new development. Click here to view the agenda and staff reports. For comments or questions, contact BIA’s Lisa Vorderbrueggen at 925-348-1956 or lvorderbrueggen@biabayarea.org.