• Emeryville Readies Annual Impact Fee Adjustment

  • The Emeryville City Council is scheduled to adopt on April 17, 2018, annual ENR Construction Cost percentage adjustments in the city’s development impact fees for affordable housing, parks and transportation facilities. Rates will increase 3.49 percent starting on July 1, 2018. For example, the affordable housing impact fee for a rental apartment development will increase $982 from $28,122 to $29,104 per unit. The park fee will go up $134 from $3,839 to $3,973 per unit and the transportation facility charge will increase $58 from $1,657 to $1,715 per unit. Click HERE to view the agenda and Item No. 11.2, which contains the staff report, resolution and fee chart. For questions or comments, contact BIA’s East Bay Governmental Affairs Executive Director Lisa Vorderbrueggen at lvorderbrueggen@biabayarea.org or 925-348-1956.