• BCDC Adopts Strategic Plan Update--Contemplates Regional Adaptation Plan

  • At its meeting last week, the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) approved a Strategic Plan Update establishing BCDC's planning and regulatory priorities through 2020. Among the potential initiatives identified in the Update that BIA|Bay Area will carefully monitor and participate in:
    • Development of a "Regional Adaptation Plan" (RAP) that, according to BCDC would be "modeled on the Regional Transportation Plan process...[and] prioritize adaptation actions and projects" reflecting local, regional, state, and federal priorities.";
    • Consider modifying BCDC's permit application "to require information on the potential impacts of a project on adjoining properties in a manner that can inform local and regional resilience efforts."; and
    • "Although not a current recommendation, consider whether new regional authority is needed" to implement a future RAP.

    BIA will continue its active involvement in BCDC programs and policies affecting the building industry, as it has done since heavily shaping the landmark Bay Plan Amendments dealing with Sea Level Rise adopted in 2011. The final draft of the Strategic Plan Update can be found here.

    BCDC made some changes to the final document which will be posted on BCDC's web site this week. Click here for the website.