• Alameda Pursues ‘Bird Safe’ Regs

  • Alameda planning staff is proposing draft “bird-safe” building standards that will subject all new two-story structures with windows that contain 12 square feet or more glass to the new rules. The change potentially impacts new single-family home developers, as the city’s current bird-safe regulations apply only to two-story buildings with 10,000 sq. ft. of glass. The proposed new rules specify a variety of mitigation options including opaque glass, window mullions, screens, netting or special treatments such as fritting, exterior grids or ultra-violet patterns. Applicants may also request alternative compliance methods recommended by a qualified biologist. The Alameda Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Sept. 24, 2018. Click HERE to view the agenda and staff report. If the planning board recommends approval, the Alameda City Council will vote on the ordinance at a later date. For questions or comments, contact BIA’s Lisa Vorderbrueggen at lvorderbrueggen@biabayarea.org or 925-348-1956.