• Hayward Considers New Fee Methodology

  • Based on an updated fee study, Hayward staff is recommending the city switch its building permit fee methodology from a flat rate to to a valuation-based fee. The only comparison offered in the staff report presented to the Hayward City Council on Oct. 18, 2016, shows a 42 percent decrease in the plan check fee for a new single-family detached 3,000 sq. ft. house from the current rate of $6,043 to $3,476. The new methodology calls for building fees to be calculated based on valuation (fair market value of materials and labor for the work or the ICC Valuation, whichever is higher.) The issue will be brought back to the Hayward City Council on Oct. 25, 2016, for a public hearing and vote. For questions or concerns, contact BIA’s Lisa Vorderbrueggen at 925-348-1956 or lvorderbrueggen@biabayarea.org. Click here to view the staff report. Click here to view the updated fee study by Willdan Financial Services.